Rucu Cucu OG© Fem

Tangie x OG Kush

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Pack: 3
  • 1 Seed 17.00€
  • 3 Seeds 34.00€
  • 5 Seeds 51.00€
  • 25 Seeds 204.01€


34,00 €
Impuestos incluidos

Tipo de cultivo: Indoor/Outdoor
Dominante: Sativa
Rendimiento: Masivo
THC: Super Alto (hasta 30%)
Sabor: Afrutado Ácido
Efecto: Happy Chill
Periodo de floración: 8 semanas
Experiencia: Principiante
Tipo de cultivo: Indoor/Outdoor
Dominante: Sativa
Rendimiento: Masivo
THC: Super Alto (hasta 30%)
Sabor: Afrutado Ácido
Efecto: Happy Chill
Periodo de floración: 8 semanas
Experiencia: Principiante

Rucu Cucu OG Feminizada

La variedad de cannabis premium Rucu Cucu OG surgió de una colaboración exclusiva entre Seedstockers y el famoso rapero argentino Homer el Mero Mero, un viejo amigo de Seedstockers, quien es un gran apasionado por el cannabis de alta calidad.

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Details of Rucu Cucu OG© Fem

Tipo de cultivo Indoor/Outdoor
Dominante Sativa
Rendimiento Masivo
THC Super Alto (hasta 30%)
Sabor Afrutado Ácido
Efecto Happy Chill
Periodo de floración 8 semanas
Experiencia Principiante

El equipo de breeders profesionales de Seedstockers decidió crear una variedad única, siguiendo las indicaciones de sabor y efecto preferidas por El Mero Mero. ¡Y el resultado tomó a todos por sorpresa! Tras 5 generaciones de selección, encontramos la variedad perfecta: el fenotipo que se convirtió en la legendaria Rucu Cucu OG. Esta variedad de alta calidad se ha hecho cruzando un esqueje especial de Tangie, seleccionado por su intenso olor a mandarina y su gran producción, junto con un clon original de USA OG Kush.

El resultado es algo increíble que seguramente no pasará desapercibido si se fuma en la calle. ¡Estás avisado! El intenso olor a mandarina es fuerte y su sabor es una mezcla entre el dulce/cítrico de Tangie y el gaseoso/amaderado de OG Kush. Los niveles de THC son increíblemente altos (si se cultiva correctamente, puede alcanzar el 30% de THC). El efecto es pesado, que es lo que nuestro amigo Homer el Mero Mero esperaba después de seguir todos los procesos de selección de principio a fin.

En una reciente visita a Barcelona, tuvo la oportunidad de probar el resultado final después de un largo proceso de selección y tras solo una calada dijo: "¡esto es la jodida Rucu Rucu OG!".

La planta es vigorosa, robusta y fácil de cultivar, con solo 8 semanas de floración. Si se cultiva en interior, recomendamos vigilarla de cerca durante la 3ª y 4ª semana de floración, ya que a veces tiende a estirarse, especialmente si se cultiva con lámparas de sodio. La planta reacciona bien a diferentes métodos de cultivo como SCROG (muy recomendable), SOG, desmochado y FIM. El olor de Rucu Cucu OG puede ser bastante intenso durante la floración, por lo que recomendamos utilizar un buen filtro de carbón para evitar que tus vecinos levanten las cejas. Para disfrutar mejor del fuerte olor y el increíble sabor, recomendamos cultivarla en tierra (si es posible orgánica). El cultivo de exterior da grandes satisfacciones, ya que esta planta puede crecer increíblemente bien en diferentes condiciones y es resistente al moho y a las altas temperaturas. La producción es enorme y está lista hacia la última semana de septiembre o la primera de octubre (hemisferio norte).

Estamos muy orgullosos de haber creado esta leyenda, ¡la Rucu Cucu OG de verdad! Pruébala y compruébalo tu mismo; te garantizamos que no te decepcionará.


Aroma of the dried buds

The dried buds maintain their syrupy, blueberry sweetness whilst also developing an earthy and woody aroma that is really noticeable in Blue Moby’s thick smoke.

How does the plant smell?

Blue Moby smells like blueberries from head to toe right from the very beginning of flowering. There are rich Kushy tones that also make their way to your nostrils as the plant matures, although the sweet pungency of blueberry is the dead giveaway that somebody has some Blue Moby in their grow. Certain phenos are sweeter, while others express tart and even menthol-like aromas on the live plant.

What’s Blue Moby’s bag appeal?

Blue Moby takes the prize for the most gorgeous bud structure, with giant snow-blasted beasts that show off all the colours of the northern lights. The oversized calyxes of the first phenotype are impressive, and the thousands of red pistils covering her sister make for gorgeous nuggetry.

What effects does Blue Moby deliver?

Blue Moby produces strong body sedation as well as a mental high. This is certainly not a strain for lightweights! This hybrid will hit you directly behind the eyes before travelling to your cheeks and then further throughout your body. While there is extreme bodily relaxation, that doesn’t mean that the effect is exactly couch-locking. There is still a certain stimulation that keeps the mind active and it’s easy for you to go about your day with your head in the clouds.

What kind of yield can you expect from Blue Moby?

All plants produced well, around 150+ g each. 
However, the short and stocky phenotype produced the biggest yield (over 200g per plant).

Cultivation manual

How to grow Blue Moby

Blue Moby is an incredibly easy seed that, as our tests show, will produce huge amounts of potent weed with even the smallest amount of nutrients. 
 This is to say that Blue Moby is not a heavy feeder, despite producing killer yields. Defoliation is key for a variety of reasons, but mostly to help maximize the yield, and therefore we recommend that you become familiar with this technique.

Flowering period

The first phenotype took a relatively short time to finish at about 75 days. However, the second pheno would have probably been happier with a full 90 – 100 day cycle for optimum results. That being said, the yield of both strains is worth the wait if you can afford the longer flowering time. The second phenotype also needs an extended preflowering period, and should be given enough time to mature properly so you can really see what she has to offer.

Vegetative phase

Blue Moby’s first phenotype will take just 4 weeks before hardcore flowering starts to happen. 
The second phenotype might start showing flowering signs at 5 weeks but won’t start really picking up pace until weeks 6 or 7.

What nutrients does Blue Moby need?

These plants were cultivated in generic 1.8-2-2 potting soil. 1g dolomite lime / litre of soil was used as a source of calcium and magnesium.
 Although they didn’t require any nutrients other than those that were already in the soil during the vegetative phase, these plants accepted all the additional nutrients that they were given. Extra phosphorus and potassium are recommended during the flowering in order to increase yields and boost potency.

Top tips

Top tips on how to grow Blue Moby indoors

Indoor growers will also benefit from lots of defoliation. Having larger-sized containers is also recommended to minimise the watering frequency later into the flowering. 
You need to keep in mind that Blue Moby sucks up water like crazy towards the end of its maturation.

Top tips on how to grow Blue Moby outdoors

Lots of defoliation of both phenos will be required in order to get the maximum yield. This beauty has a ton of nodes, which translates into giant yields, but they need lots of support.
 The first pheno usually does a good job of supporting herself, whereas supporting the second pheno is definitely a must.

Top Tips for Small Growers

If you're dealing with a small space, it might be worth planting several seeds and then select the first pheno and cull the second type.

You'll miss out on nothing while benefitting from the biggest possible yields of the very best buds. This is easily done since you can tell the two phenos apart early into the flowering.

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